
Blue is everywhere : in a fountain where you take a sip of water - as we dip our hands, the surface ripples and sways. The disordered reflection becomes an invitation to explore. Something awakens: a new world emerges from the disorder, and as yet unnamed forms come to life.

Irina Rasquinet sees this gesture as an act of creation. Sinking into this reflection means troubling the order of the visible to search for something beyond the surface. From this chaos emerges form, thought, the as yet unspoken name. This metaphor evokes both the learning of a new language and the artist's posture, suspending judgment to renew perception with a freshness straight from childhood.

Nestled beneath the glass roof of the Patinoire Royale, the sparkling sculptures embody more than a color: blue becomes an idea, a vibration.

Suspended from marine ropes, these sculptures contain fragments of childhood - hidden toys and secrets, as if concealed in these heart-shaped clouds. They become receptacles of poetry and invitations to explore the invisible under a light that transforms them at every turn.

Colors continue to dance on canvases made with pigments and vodka: nothing is planned, everything is written in the moment. Here again, the artist disturbs the visible to extract a more intimate truth. The circle, a recurring symbol in her work, reinforces this idea of link and cycle. It embodies infinity, continuity and harmony. 

To say "THE WORLD WILL BE BLUE... OR WILL NOT BE" is to assert that existence itself is conditioned by a quality of being: an attention to beauty, a connection with the invisible and an openness to the marvelous. This becomes an allegory of fragility and the need to protect ephemeral beauty.


- Elise Roche

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