Our ordinary language has no means for describing a particular shade of color. Thus it is incapable of producing a picture of this color.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, The grammar of colour
In the beginning there was a simple idea: to permute the letters of color names to obtain a third one: uran + beige = aubergine. However, crossing words is not the same as mixing colors. Consequently in this antagonism, the monochrome contributes to the long and dualistic relationship between the visual and the written, between the image and the language.
To achieve this result, a database of color names was set up and an algorithm was written that crosses all these names and simultaneously queries a dictionary of possible, existing words. After months of calculations, trillions of permutations, thousands of words were generated, all adding new associations to the etymology and polysemy of colors.
Likewise, Romantik = rot + kamin is another attempt to research the unity between the image and the word, between the intuitive, emotional, perceptual... and the logical, conceptual.