
The chromointerférent environments aim to create a situation in space, involving the dematerialization, transfiguration and ambiguity of color through movement. The constant shifting of the projection gives both visitors and objects a transparent appearance, while giving them a new role as actor of the experience and author of the chromatic event evolving in real time and space.


"Chromointerferent environments alter space and transform everything in it. The very first one, which I made in 1974, featured fewer colors than the more recent ones, but already generated what I call the relationship between the constant and the variable. The variable was the moving screen. The constant was the shadow [that visitors] cast on the frame. The interaction between the variable and the constant gave a sensation of instability similar to that experienced when sitting on the train, thinking that 'our train' is moving, when in reality only the train next to it is moving. Chromointerference produces this ambiguity of perceptual instability." - Carlos Cruz-Diez, 2011

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