GENEVIEVE LEVIVIER 17 January - 29 March 2025 With profound materiality, Geneviève Levivier’s ritualistic process involves both collecting and creating, making works at the nexus of body and spirit, Nature and Self. Her approach to collecting embraces a broad spectrum: plants, recycled textiles, natural fiber residues, pages of classic texts from her family's library. With these found ingredients,... Read more -
JOANA VASCONCELOS 1 February - 12 April 2025 In the darkened nave of the gallery, The Enchanted Forest (2024) glistens in undulating forms. LED lights illuminate the monumental fabric curves of Joana Vasconcelos’ wondrous landscape. The work invites viewers into an ethereal realm where art and imagination transcend the boundaries of time and space. Visitors seamlessly merge with... Read more -
JEANNE SUSPLUGAS 8 March - 30 April 2025 The polyphonic practice of Jeanne Susplugas isolates the forms and strategies of confinement in various forms — physical, social, intellectual, and emotional. Through media including drawing, installation, sculpture, film, ceramics, and virtual reality, the artist gives shape to the pre-existing links between science, economy, and the living world, as well... Read more
IRINA RASQUINET 17 January - 1 March 2025 Blue is everywhere : in a fountain where you take a sip of water - as we dip our hands, the surface ripples and sways. The disordered reflection becomes an invitation to explore. Something awakens: a new world emerges from the disorder, and as yet unnamed forms come to life.... Read more -
ELSA GUILLAUME 25 October - 21 December 2024 The adventures that Elsa Guillaume recounts through her sculptures and drawings are the promise of distant expeditions to the depths of the seas and oceans — a world before our world, when humans had not yet completely set foot on land. She thrives to help us discover or rediscover the... Read more -
20 September - 21 December 2024 Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach presents Gordon Matta-Clark , the first major solo exhibition of the renowned American artist in Belgium in over thirty years. With a focus on Matta-Clark’s canonical building-cut architectural interventions, the exhibition presents a large selection of collages, photographs, films, and books the artist made around... Read more -
Maria Legat 13 September - 19 October 2024 In the face of the endless bombardment of information in contemporary life, Maria Legat offers a subtle resistance. The Austrian painter’s works invite an intricate engagement; they demand that viewers slow down to look deeply at the nuances and layers that infuse her process-oriented practice. Legat paints along the edge... Read more -
LAb[au] 24 May - 28 September 2024 In the beginning there was a simple idea: to permute the letters of color names to obtain a third one: uran + beige = aubergine. However, crossing words is not the same as mixing colors. Consequently in this antagonism, the monochrome contributes to the long and dualistic relationship between the... Read more -
THOMAS DEVAUX 25 April - 27 July 2024 The project centers on three series : The Shoppers , Rayons and Dichroics . In them, the artist questions the new transcendences of the contemporary world. The Shoppers-Rayons-Dichroics trilogy, presented under the borrowed title 'Cet obscur objet du désir' (Luis Buñuel, 1977), has something operatic about it. The forms and... Read more -
CASPER BRINDLE 25 April - 27 July 2024 The exhibition features Brindle’s Aura Series, the Strata Series, Vacuum Formed Light Glyphs and sculptural works, all of which underscore the serene and reflective nature characteristic of this minimalist Light & Space artist. Casper Brindle self-avowedly carries on a tradition of transcendence . Also linked, less directly, to the second... Read more -
HELL'O 23 March - 18 May 2024 These chimerical creatures embody the duality of a society hungry for symbols but in search of deeper meaning. Without claiming to rival the great masters, these false idols, born of a mixture of audacity and subversion, defy established conventions. Their protean nature fascinates, destabilises and transports the spectator into an... Read more -
LITA ALBUQUERQUE 3 February - 13 April 2024 Entitled Early Works , the exhibition invites visitors to discover a curated selection of sculptures, photographs and installations from ephemeral works produced in the 1970s and 1980s. The exhibited works, some monumental, reflect the artist's favourite materials: stone and pigment. Combining geometric forms and natural elements, they invite us to... Read more -
RENAUD AUGUSTE-DORMEUIL 3 February - 13 April 2024 In his exhibition at the gallery, entitled La réalité n'a pas besoin de moi , the artist questions the invisible structures that influence our perception of an increasingly mediatised reality, working on the border between visibility and invisibility, light and darkness, memory, and oblivion. Neither an archival document, nor photography... Read more -
MARIE-LUCE NADAL 20 January - 9 March 2024 Born in 1984, the French Catalonian artist and researcher explores the intersection of art, science, and mythology in her work. Born to a lineage of winegrowers, she endeavours to master the heavens, using installations and artworks to infuse the sky with symbolic and political significance, exploring themes of gender and... Read more -
KEN OHARA & MELISSA SHOOK 6 October - 22 December 2023 Bringing together for the first time two major series by American artists Melissa Shook and Ken Ohara, both produced in 1972-1973, Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach parallels two singular approaches to self-portraiture – not an occasional self-portrait, but a systematic self-portrait, an aesthetic gymnastic, a visual demand in the form... Read more -
KEN OHARA 6 October - 22 December 2023 ONE (1970) In 1970, while working as an assistant to Hiro and Richard Avedon, Ken Ohara emerged as a young artist with his seminal ONE series. ONE features close-up faces of more than 500 New Yorkers, suggesting an essentially thin boundary across all human races and genders.[...] Over the next... Read more -
ANTONIA LAMBELE 6 September - 25 November 2023 Antonia Lambelé, a Belgian national, was born in 1943 in Great Britain. From a young age, she was drawn to constructivism, concrete art, and geometric abstraction. She received training in drawing at the Saint-Josse-ten-Noode Academy and then enrolled at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels in 1979, where... Read more -
MICHEL MOUFFE 9 June - 23 September 2023 Stating the obvious, Michel Mouffe's work is as luminous as it is opaque. Crystal clear though reluctant to immediate comprehension, it dwells at the fringe of our intelligence, static yet mobile, quiet but sometimes traversed by epic breath. Incandescent and silent, unquestionably modern although it secretly shivers with Cinquecento reminiscence,... Read more -
CLAIRE TROTIGNON 20 April - 27 May 2023 Claire Trotignon présente pour l'exposition Italian ice cream in the wind un ensemble d'œuvres nouvelles, à l'image de ses paysages déconstruits dans une brume rose où se rassemble une multitude de temporalités passées et futures. La ruine y est suggérée à différentes échelles, aussi bien spatiales que temporelles. Dans un... Read more -
FICTION(S) 17 March - 13 May 2023 Preciously preserved by the interior darkness of the caves that house them, pre-historical paintings show just how essential it was for our ancestors to give account of their daily lives. Some describe the preparation before a hunt, while others depict the magical and religious rituals imbued with shamanism. One could... Read more -
ARNO RAFAEL MINKKINEN 9 December 2022 - 4 March 2023 Arno Rafael Minkkinen (born in Helsinki, 1945) is a Finnish-American photographer. His work, praised worldwide, is totally dedicated to self-portrait with a militant background in favour of a better place for mankind within nature. The role he assigns himself is often modest, faded, evocative of a Paradise Lost where humankind... Read more -
LUZIA SIMONS 18 November 2022 - 28 January 2023 Luzia Simons’ photographs give the impression of being three-dimensional. Even when cut off at the edge of the frame, it appears as if the flowers would lie in display cases or float in a diffuse space without direction, without any above or below. Luzia Simons stages her flowers in a... Read more -
VITA EXTREMIS : 1992-2022
LUCY+JORGE ORTA 9 September - 27 November 2022 Lucy + Jorge Orta founded Les Moulins in 2000 as an extension of their practice, to create a community dedicated to artistic research and production of contemporary art. Les Moulins is informed by the natural environment and the industrial heritage of the former factories and paper mills along the Grand... Read more -
TRON GIA NGUYEN 8 September - 22 November 2022 Trong Gia Nguyen is an American artist based in Brussels. From incessant war to pervasive misogyny and the erosion of civil rights, the works of In Perpetuity address the “normalcy” of cruelty and endless cycles of treachery and violence. The exhibition is bookended by two series of paintings, one depicting... Read more -
IRINA RASQUINET 15 May - 23 July 2022 Irina Rasquinet designed this installation as an oneiric walk. An initiatory journey, where heaven and earth are in constant dialogue. Through this work, the artist summons the senses to lend substance to the invisible. As soon as you take your first steps, a fragrance designed by Julien Rasquinet opens up... Read more -
POSTMODERN ABSTRACT PAINTING IN BELGIUM 1975-2000 15 May - 27 July 2022 Curated by Claude Lorent, Els Wuyts and the Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach. Exhibited Artists: Marc Angeli . Guy Baekelmans . Ralph Cleeremans . Werner Cuvelier . Ilse D’Hollander . Philippe Decelle . Patricia Dopchie . Colette Duck . Lili Dujourie . Francis Dusépulchre . Eric Fourez . Filip Francis... Read more -
HANNAH DE CORTE 1 April - 28 May 2022 Woven picturality In essence, a painting exists from the moment a canvas is stretched on a wooden frame. Then, this woven structure immediately invites to be covered. It is in this tense moment, just before the canvas becomes a ‘carrier’, that the artist Hannah De Corte intervenes and draws attention... Read more -
MARTHE WERY 11 March - 7 May 2022 Marthe Wéry poursuit la décennie en multipliant ses expérimentations sur les différentes composantes du tableau (support, forme, cadre, couleur), dans de grandes séries qui sont autant de nouveaux 'déplacements' qui se plaisent à jouer avec les architectures qui les accueillent, notamment à la Biennale de Sao Paulo et au Musée... Read more -
SAHAR SAADAOUI 11 March - 7 May 2022 For the second time, Sahar Sadaoui responds to an invitation from the gallery, after her notable participation in Young Belgium - 'Ineffable' - Opus1 - that gathered young artists born or working in Belgium, an exhibition held at the end of 2020 - early 2021, in the midst of the... Read more -
JOAO FREITAS 15 January - 26 March 2022 Proffered as they are with the utter simplicity of the materials that go into them, the works of João Freitas expose/exhibit themselves without any pretence or ornament. They allow us to see the spectacle of materials that have lived an uncompromising life, and unveil themselves just as they are, as... Read more -
GENEVIEVE LEVIVIER 18 November 2021 - 8 January 2022 The Patinoire Royale Bach is delighted to present for the first time the artistic universe of Geneviève Levivier, inspired by textile and painting techniques. Through major art and design exhibitions as well as numerous awards, Geneviève Levivier, known for her experimental and eco-responsible artistic approach, has made a name for... Read more -
CARLOS CRUZ-DIEZ 16 November 2021 - 26 February 2022 The chromointerférent environments aim to create a situation in space, involving the dematerialization, transfiguration and ambiguity of color through movement. The constant shifting of the projection gives both visitors and objects a transparent appearance, while giving them a new role as actor of the experience and author of the chromatic... Read more -
JEANNE SUSPLUGAS 10 September - 30 October 2021 Those Mysterious Butterflies of the Soul by Marta Ponsa, Art Hisorian, July 2021 - translated from French by L. Willemart In 1906, Spanish neuroscientist Santiago Ramon y Cajal received the Nobel Prize for his work on the nervous system’s architecture. Thanks to silver exposure that coloured nerve tissue, he distiguished... Read more -
ALICE ANDERSON 10 September - 30 October 2021 Anderson's work combines ancestral cultures with contemporary transhumanism. Her work includes sculptures, paintings and drawings, initiated by dance-performance, which brings together psychosomatic organs (the human body) and artificial organs (tools, technological objects, technical supports). Anderson's approach presents a way of questioning the world in the face of dazzling and complex... Read more -
JOANA VASCONCELOS 10 September - 30 October 2021 After the immense success of her last exhibition at the gallery, held in 2017, «De Fil(s) en Aiguille(s)» (Threads to Needles), Joana Vasconcelos returns this Autumn with a sublime collection of twenty never exhibited drawings, wonderfully evoking her personal, yet universal world. Isn’t the main quality of great artists their... Read more -
JEAN MILO 20 May - 17 July 2021 JEAN MILO: L’évidence du printemps Abstract Only wanting to be, above all, himself, he was looking for an intimate complicity with matter, ran away from conceptual asceticism, fed on carnal contact with the world, avoiding the automatism of a lyrical abstraction made of repetition, reflexes and habits, for the benefit... Read more -
FRANCIS DUSEPULCHRE 5 March - 24 April 2021 The gallery presents its first solo show of the work of Francis Dusépulchre (1934 – 2013). This unclassifiable artist, whose extremely personal production makes him particularly recognizable, had already been the subject of a strong and noticed presence at the Sculpting Belgium exhibition in 2017. Having promoted Dusépulchre at various... Read more -
INEFFABLE 13 December 2020 - 27 February 2021 Group show featuring: Léa BELOOUSSOVITCH Pierre-Laurent CASSIÈRE Hannah DE CORTE João FREITAS Alice LEENS Sahar SAÂDAOUI For many years now, the Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach strives to promote the modern and contemporary Belgian art scene, through vast historical exhibitions, as through group-shows (Sculpting Belgium, Painting Belgium, Belgian Women) as... Read more -
POST-WAR BELIGAN ABSTRACT PAINTING 4 September - 7 November 2020 Group show featuring: Berthe DUBAIL (1911-1984) Francine HOLLEY (1919-2020) Antonia LAMBELÉ Gisèle VAN LANGE Marthe WÉRY (1930-2005) From the silent abstraction of the astral rythmes of Berthe Dubail, to the musical inventivity of Francine Holley, from the constructivist subtlety of Antonia Lambelé, to the gestural lyricism of Gisèle Van Lange,... Read more -
POL BURY - LAB[AU] - ROGER VILDER 23 April - 16 June 2020 Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach's exhibition, entitled 'Ce mouvement qui déplace les lignes', brings together works by 3 artists belonging to the kinetic art movement: Roger Vilder, Pol Bury and the LAb[au] collective. Several generations are represented, illustrating the continuity of this artistic movement throughout the 20th century and right... Read more -
THE INFINITE END 9 January - 20 April 2020 Theodora Allen - born in 1985 in United-States, lives in Los Angeles Julie Curtiss - born in 1982 in France, lives in New-York Sara Cwynar - born in 1985 in Canada, lives in New-York Angela Dufresne - born in 1969 in United-States, lives in New-York Leslie Hewitt - born in... Read more -
ALICE ANDERSON 9 January - 7 March 2020 During recent years Alice Anderson has developed performative rituals. “From the total connexion felt in Sierra Nevada, Santa Marta in Colombia to the knowledge of the “Aluna“ (form of cosmic consciousness, of all forms of life, intelligences and all the spirits in nature) which is at the center of the... Read more -
JAN DRIES 6 September - 18 December 2019 There are those projects that are born without any conscious planning, so utterly natural seems to be their gestation, their concept and finally their realization. The exhibition Infinite End, dedicated to the Belgian sculptor Jan Dries, is one of these. In this respect it is absolutely consistent with the artist’s... Read more -
PAINTING BELGIUM 6 September - 7 December 2019 General Curation : Serge Goyens de Heusch Scenography : Art&Build Architect, Brussels - Paris APPEARANCE OF A NEW ABSTRACT ART WITHIN LA JEUNE PEINTURE BELGE The current exhibition organized in Brussels by the Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach, presents an exceptional view of Belgian abstract art between 1945 and 1975.... Read more -
CARLOS CRUZ-DIEZ 26 April - 27 July 2019 LABYRINTHUS Enter free in color Carlos Cruz-Diez’s installation of an outstanding Labyrinthe de Transchromie – a project that he conceived at the end of the 60’s and completed for the first time in the nave of the Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach in Brussels – is an important landmark in... Read more -
GISELA COLON 26 April - 27 July 2019 HYPER-MINIMAL Primitive vital energies With her very first exhibition in Brussels (and incidentally in Europe) which is hosted at the Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach, Gisela COLON rips apart the great white veil of our contemporary art world with her, let's face it, truly groundbreaking works. These extraordinary iridescent curved... Read more -
PIERRE-MARIE LEJEUNE 25 January - 23 March 2019 In Pierre Marie Lejeune's creative process, hands remain the central pivot. Everything starts with a drawing, dozens of drawings, continuous spurts that always reveal his love of color, free gesture and unrestrained spontaneity, enabling him to rediscover the ancient pleasure of his assemblages and paintings. Isolated in the studio, cut... Read more -
MARTINE FEIPEL & JEAN BECHAMEIL 11 January - 28 March 2019 In 2014, the couple of Franco-Luxembourger artists presented at the gal- lery the installation called «A Perfect World» on architecture modernist and «utopian» of the 50s and 70s, and especially on the social dwellings of that time; Great Packages. The casts monumental buildings were em- blematic of this era, as... Read more -
OLGA DE AMARAL 30 March - 21 July 2018 The Patinoire Royale–Galerie Valérie Bach becomes, for one exhibition, the temple of the Amerindian spirit and its powerful spiritual charge, in direct link with the cosmos, through the timeless work of the Colombian artist Olga de Amaral. This unclassifiable artist and her production, whose eternal force is haloed with gold... Read more -
ALICE ANDERSON 12 January - 17 March 2018 Humanity has shifted into another period of its history. Technological innovations and the digital evolution have redesigned our existences. The world has become immaterial. But how to memorise this real world, that is gradually vanishing? How to keep track of a contemporary humanity that is at the edge of transhumanism?... Read more -
JOANA VASCONCELOS 23 November 2016 - 25 March 2017 For its fourth exhibition, La Patinoire Royale immerses itself in the extravagant, baroque universe of sculptor Joana Vasconcelos with this major retrospective, the first ever organized in Belgium, which brings the gigantism of the venue face to face with the work of this protean artist. Joana Vasconcelos, a French-born Portuguese... Read more -
LAB[AU] 2 September - 22 October 2016 The exhibition Coded Language presents LAb[au]'s research of color, shape, and motion: research that is structured like a language with its own vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. This conjunction between art and language considers art as a semantic and semiotic system that involves the most current forms of expression and technologies,... Read more -
PIERRE-MARIE LEJEUNE 19 April - 18 May 2013 Pierre Marie Lejeune’s monumental sculptures in steel, light and mirror, maintain a dialectical relationship within the place of their exhibition, since they have as much to show as the landscape and architecture that hosts them. Forms erect themselves: bending, fitting, and reacting to the environment. Sun, clouds, dusk: constantly revealing... Read more