5 May - 13 September 2015 

Michel Mouffe participated in the group exhibition BELGI. BARBARIANS AND POETS at MACRO, the Museum of Contemporary Art Rome, curated by Antonio Nardone.

The exhibition displays works by the major Belgian artists of the 20th and 21st centuries, outlining an overview of the Belgian art and culture of the period, its multiple declinations and its iconoclastic, ironic and poetic character.


The title of the exhibition is inspired by the passage from  Julius Caesar's De Bello Gallico  "Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae" (Of all, the Belgians are the bravest), to underline the ancient bond between Belgium and Rome and the intrepid and wild, free from conventions and categorizations, which is an integral part of the Belgian soul and culture. A freedom which, in the works exhibited, is often reflected in the use of unusual materials and in the continuous presence of self-irony and sarcasm, even if accompanied by a notable poetic vein.

Learn more.