24 April 2024 

 Celebrating the 15th anniversary of COAL the group exhibition Coalition includes the work of artists who have played an important role in the history of the pioneering art and ecology not-for-profit organisation. Alongside artworks that engage with ecological thinking, Lucy + Jorge Orta present Procession Banners 1918-2018, co-created with women prisoners inside HMP Downview. These bold appliqué and hand embroidered textile artworks commemorate the centenary of the Suffragette movement, and in memory of 1,000 suffragettes that were imprisoned in HMP Holloway during their struggle to obtain the vote. The iconography draws from historical perspectives on the suffrage campaign and uses textile crafts practised inside the prison, to render visible the testimonials of women in incarceration, considering what it means to be a woman today, the power of the vote and our shared future. The exhibition runs from 24 April – 2 June 2024.


Learn more about the Coalition exhibition.