7 February 2007 

Artist Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil discusses his artistic process with art historian Sébastien Pluot and Catherine Francblin. 

Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil: The project The day before - Star system is the elaboration of the moment of the decision to destroy. I was able to create it thanks to software that reconstitutes the maps of the stars at the date and time of your choice.

I'm still working on the question of how to create an image of the drama without representing it. How do you represent the bombing of Guernica, for example, without talking about Guernica, and without representing it as Picasso did? So I chose to produce the sky on the eve of the bombing.

I try not to eulogize the violence of war and to place myself on the side of the victims. These maps show what people saw on the eve of their death, when others had already decided to bomb them. The series is made up of sky maps from 12 nights, from the night before the bombing of Guernica to the night before the bombing of Baghdad in 2003.

Read more on the Fondation d’Entreprise Pernod Ricard site.