12 November 2024 

In Steidz, Thibault Bissier writes on the exhibition Gordon Matta-Clark.


Take an empty house. Cut it in half lengthways. Trim the base so that one of the two halves slips and a crack opens up. All that remains of this work, Splitting (1974), are shots, a few collages and a video. Nothing but images, leading us to believe that Gordon Matta-Clark (1943-1978) was basically just a photographer, digging up buildings just to create sets. And yet, as Julien Frydman, curator of the current exhibition devoted to the American artist at Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach in Brussels, points out, for the artist this medium was just one of many, a material, not an end in itself. "I wanted to focus specifically on the performative nature of his work," he adds. A daring gamble, but one that paid off.


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