30 April 2024 

Giorgia Basili writes on Casper Brindle’s solo exhibition California Light in Exibart magazine.

The most striking space is that of the mega-gallery La Patinoire Royale Bach, founded by Valérie Bach in the Saint-Gille district. A thousand square meters allow the gallery to propose in-depth monographic exhibitions in three different environments: the main Nave with a high ceiling covered in dark wooden trusses, the Glass Roof and the Project Room.

The luminous sculptures by Casper Brindle are impressive and the California Light exhibition sends us to sea waves between surfboards and luxury cars. The Canadian-born artist, part of the second generation of the Finish/Fetish movement, presents the Aura series, Strata , the Vacuum Formed Light Glyphs and sculpture. For the Strata, Brindle uses automotive paint by superimposing multiple thin layers using an airbrush, then finishes it all off with a high-gloss resin. The Glyphs are made with a particular technique that stratifies the acrylic and makes the surfaces of the volumes transparent and luminous.

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