28 July 2024 

LAb[au] is presenting a solo exhibition at Botanique in Brussels entitled POSSIBLES | PROBABLES, running concurrently with their exhibition FARBEN | FERNAB at the gallery. The Botanique exhibition is on view from 30 May 2024 to 28 July 2024 with the opening reception on 29th May.


At the origin of this exhibition project, a simple question: how do you fill an empty, white page until it becomes full and black? For each new attempt, each new chapter, a rule is defined: proportionality, fibonacci sequence, linear progression, random, stochastic... and others, more singular, unclassifiable. Slowly, chapter after chapter, a lexicon is built up, potentially indexing all possible ways of performing the assigned task, filling the page... And the question is now completed as follows: is there an end to our imagination, to the possible? Infinity?


Learn more.